
Presentation Award (PA)

The Research Presentation Award (PA) is an opportunity offered by the Research Division at WCM-Q for students to present their research paper or research project results at professional meetings, international conferences and workshops. The award allows students the option to attend the events in-person or virtually. The award aims to increase the number of students involved in research, and boost their research portfolio. 

  • Only WCM-Q students in good academic standing are eligible to apply to this program.
  • If the proposed conference and/or travel dates coincide with a school course, the student must provide approval of the course director along with the application form. 
  • Students must disclose in the application, and at any time thereafter, any available alternative sources of funding to cover their request’s cost (UREP, scholarship or other grants), and all other sources of funding must be used first. 
  • For projects with multiple students, a separate application must be submitted for each student requesting travel funds. The award only funds one student per accepted presentation.

Applications must be submitted by completing the PA application form eight (8) weeks before the contemplated conference and/or travel date.

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