Innovation and Commercialization

Research Innovation & Commercialization


The Office of Research Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC) helps facilitate the enhancement and development of life science technologies through strategic research alliances, licensing and entrepreneurial guidance. By leveraging the biomedical expertise of our faculty in combination with access to unique local clinical cohorts WCM-Q offers a strong program for co-development of industry technologies as well WCM-Q’s proprietary innovations. 

OIC works closely with the Center for Technology Licensing (CTL) of Weill Cornell Medicine (NY) and Qatar Foundation’s Industry Development and Knowledge Transfer (IDKT) offices to move WCM-Q intellectual property down the innovation and commercialization continuum.

Research Areas, Resources and Benefits

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WCM-Q has established platforms that support deep omic characterization at the population level, including but not limited to genomics, metabolomics, proteomics, and miRNA omics. Our multi-omics platform coupled with the unique genetics of the population in Qatar offers a distinct advantage for the generation of commercial health solutions targeted at precision medicine. The high rate of consanguinity within the national population and the diverse ethnic range within the ex-pat community of Qatar provide distinct advantages for development of precision medicine solutions. WCM-Q’s deep phenotyping of local cohorts offers a tremendous platform for biomarker discovery, drug target selection and validation, identification of clinical side effects and the elucidation of mechanisms of action (MOA).

WCM-Q also has strong research programs in the areas of metabolic syndrome such as diabetes, obesity and the associated cardiovascular disorders.  Our research programs also extend to oncology, infectious disease, immunology and other complex diseases. Internal and collaborative research programs can be further supported through our state-of-the-art core facilities which efficiently advance any basic, translational or clinical studies.

For more information on the Office of Research Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC), partnering opportunities and innovations please contact Associate Director of Innovation and Commercialization:

Dr. Khaled Machaca, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Dean for Research, Innovations and Commercialization
Weill Cornell Medicine - Qatar

Office:  +974 4492-8472
Fax:     +974 4492-8422
Qatar Foundation-Education City
P.O. Box 24144-Doha, Qatar