
Study Manual

Please contact Marianthi Kapiri to get access to the below Study Manuals

Standard Operating Procedure

  • SOP Adverse Events
  • SOP Adverse Events
  • SOP Anthropometry
  • SOP Auditing
  • SOP Control Enrolment
  • SOP Creating Labels
  • SOP Essential Documents
  • SOP ICF scanning
  • SOP Informed Consent Form
  • SOP Patient Enrolment
  • SOP Preparation of the Blood Sample Kit
  • SOP Power failure during data entry
  • SOP Quality Management Plan
  • SOP Questionnaire
  • SOP Responsibility Log
  • SOP Sample Transportation (within Qatar)
  • SOP Step-by-step Workflow
  • SOP Study Deviation
  • SOP Training Records
  • SOP Transport Request
  • SOP Using Survey Gizmo
  • SOP Venipuncture
  • SOP Withdrawal of subjects


  • Adverse Event Report Form
  • Contact information Form
  • CRC/ RN Checklist
  • Deviation Report Form
  • Drop Out Form v1.0
  • In-study audit report form
  • Monthly Expense Sheet
  • Monthly Time Card
  • Linking Log Sheet Responsibility log sheet Template (1)
  • Responsibility log sheet Template (2)
  • Screening Log Sheet
  • SOP Signature Reading Form
  • Step-By-Step blood collection form
  • Training Records Transport Request Form


  • Electronic Data Entry
  • Genetics of Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Metabolomics
  • Data Analysis
  • Standadrd Operating Procedures
  • Clinical Research Shipping
  • Finance Ethical requirements


  • Informed consent form (Arabic Version)
  • Informed consent (English version)
  • Study Workflow Video