
Comments or Concerns

Cornell University has selected EthicsPoint to provide a way to confidentially report activities that may involve improper conduct or violations of research conduct.

Anyone with concerns about non-compliance with laws, regulations, WCM-Q policy, or financial activity can file a report with total anonymity on this web-based system.

Individuals recruited or enrolled in research conducted by WCM-Q may file a report using EthicsPoint to register complaints about mistreatment of participants in research, concerns about investigators, or to report incidents of improper conduct related to research.

Please follow the instructions below to file a report on EthicsPoint:

  1. Click HERE
  2. Select the second option on the right side, labeled   "Medical College"
  3. Select the last option, labeled   "Research Compliance Matters"
  4. Select the last option at the bottom of the page, labeled   "Research Integrity Issues"
  5. Select the relevant option
  6. The report will open
  7. In the second section, indicate if you wish to remain anonymous
  8. Complete the rest of the report as relevant
  9. When submitted, a Report Key is issued that is specific to the filed report
  10. This Report Key is needed to access or review any follow-up about the report.

Reports regarding potential compliance violations are taken seriously and will be thoroughly investigated. Please note, however, that it is not always possible to disclose the outcome of specific investigated complaints.

WCM-Q also invites constructive comments regarding research, compliance policies and resources.

Contact us:

Research Compliance