

The Institute for Population Health offers needs based educational programs for healthcare professionals in Qatar. Activities are learner-centric (didactic and interactive discussions) utilizing synchronous, asynchronous and hybrid approaches to address the needs of all learners. Here are the highlights from recent activities.

Certificate in Lifestyle Medicine

This certificate program provides healthcare practitioners with lifestyle medicine education and competencies to aid in the evaluation, prevention and management of lifestyle-related chronic health conditions.

Systematic Review: An Introductory Workshop

This workshop is designed to improve research skills by introducing participants to the process of conducting a rigorous systematic review based on scientific principles, systematic methodology, and standardized guidelines.

Understanding Basics of Health Research

This workshop provides a platform for education and training for healthcare professionals, allowing them to become familiar with basic epidemiological and biostatistical concepts and research methodology. 

Bridging the Gap Medical Interpreters Training

This program aims to train bilingual/multilingual professionals to overcome language and cultural barriers in healthcare services. It will promote and build capacity of medical interpreters in Qatar, which will support effective communication in healthcare services. 

Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Level 1

This course is designed to improve health professionals’ Emotional Intelligence (EI) skills and guide them to use the power of EI to create a healthy, effective, equitable and compassionate social and work environment ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes.

Cultural Competence in Healthcare Workshop

This workshop eliminates health disparities and increases access to quality healthcare services to people from different cultural backgrounds, origins, ethnicities, races, religions, nationalities, genders or any other differences.