Face Covering & Gloves
Use face coverings and practise good hand hygiene to limit the spread of COVID-19
#Face Covering Physical distancing and good hand hygiene are the most important methods for preventing coronavirus transmission but wearing a mask in public is also an effective way to limit the spread of COVID-19 by people who have the virus.
Here’s how you should wear a mask:
- Wash your hand with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before putting on the mask
- Secure the mask behind your ears or head without touching your face
- Do not touch your face or front of the mask while wearing
- When removing, release ear loops or ties without touching your face or mask
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after removing the mask.
Cloth masks should be washed routinely with soap and water or laundry detergent to prevent contamination.
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Source: jamanetwork.com
#Gloves If you wear gloves, remember this:
- Continue with hand hygiene practices like washing your hands or avoiding touching your face while wearing gloves
- Make sure that the gloves aren’t ripped, soiled or discolored and pull them up so they cover your wrist
- Gloves can give you a false sense of security that you are protected. Do not touch your face, mouth, eyes or nose with your gloved hands. As soon as those gloves are contaminated, it’s just like having your bare hands
- This cross-contamination often happens when you’re putting on and taking off gloves
To protect yourself, use the following steps to remove your gloves:

Contributors: Ms. Raji Anand, Dr. Sohaila Cheema and Dr. Sathyanarayanan Doraiswamy
Editing: Mr. John Hayward