Global Health: Population Health and Primary Care Perspectives

Code Type Sponsor
GLBH.8102 Non-Clinical
  1. Ravinder Mamtani, MD
  2. Sohaila Cheema, MBBS MPH
Department Location
  1. Institute for Population Health
  1. WCM-Q
Max Students Prerequisites
10 (Minimum 3)
  1. Completion of basic Science curriculum and at least two of the listed clinical clerkships

In  this elective  students are introduced to  various global health topics with a special focus on population health and primary health care.  The elective, provides experience related to public health practice and policy, public   health   research   and   relevant   primary care areas.  Discussion on health care delivery systems and   specific programs from countries around the world  are   used  to  complement the information provided in the course. The course is presented by means of lectures and seminars in the specific topic areas.  Interactive discussions, site visits to health care organizations and facilities, and teamwork are  integral parts of the course. The experience provided will be commensurate with the student’s qualification and background.

At the end of the rotation, students will have  gained a greater knowledge and understanding of major global health issues including  a) disease and mortality patterns around the world, b) social, economic and  political aspects of  health care systems around the world,  and b)  community aspects of population health and primary care practice.

Course grade is based on class participation and attendance,  oral  presentation and written paper.  Each student will be required to turn in a written paper on his or her assigned theme/topic.  The paper should demonstrate an appreciation of the current literature and analytical thinking of the issue / question being examined.