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Pediatric Neurosurgery Elective

Code Type Sponsor
PEDS.8133 Clinical
  1. Ian Kenneth Pople, MD
Department Location
  1. Surgery
  2. Pediatrics
  1. Sidra
Max Students Prerequisites
  1. Surgery Clerkship
  2. Pediatrics Clerkship

This neurosurgical elective period will give the student exposure to patients undergoing assessment and treatment of the full range of pediatric neurosurgical conditions.

The elective involves attending daily morning rounds at 7 am, followed by clinics 4-days a week and observation of surgery cases in the OR once or twice weekly. Students will be encouraged to shadow the on-call neurosurgeon to learn how to assess and deal with children with emergency conditions such as head injuries, hydrocephalus, raised intra-cranial pressure from CNS infections or tumors. Students will be encouraged to refresh their knowledge of nervous system anatomy and physiology then look up a relevant clinical topic for a short online presentation at the Neurosurgical Division weekly educational meeting. There will also be opportunities to attend the weekly pediatric neurology and radiology teaching sessions.

By the end of the elective the student will be better able to assess conscious level in children (Glasgow Coma Score), be familiar with common neurosurgical conditions affecting children and the surgical or non-surgical techniques used to treat them.