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Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery Elective

Code Type Sponsor
PEDS.8134 Clinical
  1. Olivier Ghez, MD
Department Location
  1. Pediatrics
  2. Surgery
  1. Sidra
Max Students Prerequisites
  1. Pediatrics Clerkship
  2. Surgery Clerkship

This elective is an immersive experience in the outpatient, inpatient and operating room care of pediatric cardiac surgery  patients.

Students will:

- Observe and participate in pre-operative care and counseling of pediatric cardiac surgery patients

- Observe and participate multidisciplinary team meetings and heart center teaching lectures

- Observe and sometimes assist in the operating room.

- Expand skills in pathophysiology and understanding of echocardiography and catheter studies.

- Time spent will be variable with voluntary participation in the operative room but will at minimum include 3 weekly MDT of 90 minutes each, a one hour lecture every Tuesday and ICU ward rounds