Current Students


Registrar Services for Students

Add/Drop Clinical Courses

Fill out the Add/Drop form if you need to add/drop your clerkship. Consult and discuss your plan first with advisors in Student Affairs and/or Medical Education. As per policy, please note that any changes to your clinical schedule need to be approved and submitted to the Office of the Registrar at least 45 days before the start of any clerkship. Failure to meet this deadline might prevent you from participating in said clerkship. Submit the completed form to the Office of the Registrar after getting all approvals. FAQ

Change of Official Name

All official academic records must match the name on your passport. If your name changes, complete a Change of Name form and submit it along with a copy of your passport to the Office of the Registrar.

Consent and Release

The Office of the Registrar may receive a request for information on a student’s academic record from a third party, such as parents, an embassy, or an educational establishment. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is designed to protect the privacy of a student’s educational records. You can find the statement at the following link:

The Office of the Registrar may not release a student’s protected information without the student’s written consent. Please complete the Consent and Release form if you would like to release your academic records to a third party. Return the completed and signed form to the Office of the Registrar. You may revoke the Consent and Release form at any time by notifying the Office of the Registrar in writing.

Course Withdrawal

Foundation and Premedical Students may withdraw from a full semester course up to the seventh week of the semester. If students drop up until the seventh (7th) week, the course doesn't show on the transcript.  If they drop from the beginning of the eighth (8th) week until the end of the twelfth (12th) week, they will receive a 'W" on their transcript.  Students cannot drop a course after the twelfth (12th) week.

It is the student's responsibility to withdraw officially from a course by completing and submitting the course withdrawal form. Failure to withdraw formally may result in failing grades.

Cross-University Registration

Cross-university registration provides students with an opportunity to expand their academic experience by registering for courses at other Education City institutions. Students who are cross-registered are subject to the academic regulations of the hosting institution. Click here for more information.

Document Authentication

Below are the steps to follow to get your diploma enrollment verification or graduation letter attested:

  1. Make a copy of your document to be attested (Diploma or letter).
  2. Request the Office of the Registrar’s signature and stamp. (The turnaround is 2 business days)
  3. Obtain Qatar Foundation's Government Affairs signature and stamp. Location: Villa 5, next to QNB ATM)

Below are the submission timings and turnaround for the QF attestation of the documents:

Submission Timings (Workdays)



8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Documents will be attested at the same time, subject to the Government Affairs Manager’s availability.

*These are the recommended submission timings.


1:01 pm – 2:30 pm

Attestation will most likely be completed the next day from submission; otherwise, at the same time, subject to the Government Affairs Manager's availability.

In the absence of the Government Affairs Manager, QF will need 1-2 business days to complete the QF attestation process, subject to other QF signatories’ availability.

  1. Then you need to go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Consular Affairs Department’s signature and stamp. Please check:
  2. Last is your embassy stamp if required.


Students will have the opportunity to take elective courses in Doha, New York City, and other locations in the United States and other overseas locations.

Electives at HMC and Doha Affiliated Hospitals

If you plan to do electives here in Qatar, you must request to register for the elective of your choice by submitting your request through the Office of the Registrar ticketing system link here.  

You can view the list of electives offered in Qatar here.

Electives at NYP and NY Affiliated Hospitals

Contact the Office of the Registrar at  to learn more about how to register for NY clinical SubI’s and electives.

Independent Elective Application

These are “customized” on-campus electives that students propose and require sponsorship by Weill Cornell faculty. Some examples of independent electives may include:

  • Lengthening or shortening the duration of an existing elective. For example, RADI.8104.01.NYP – Introduction to Clinical Imaging is a four-week elective. If you were to receive the permission of the sponsor to shorten it to two weeks (minimum) or to increase a two-week elective to four weeks, you would be creating an independent elective.
  • Independent research for which you have received approval from a sponsor.
  • Working with a Weill Cornell sponsor on an elective topic that is not represented in the existing Electives Course Catalog. Once you have obtained a sponsor for your desired Independent Elective, you must obtain the signatures of both that individual and the assistant dean for clinical curriculum on an Independent Elective application form. Please provide a brief descriptive title for your desired elective using the sort of wording that would come to the left of a colon if you were giving your course a journal-type title. The signed form must be on file with the Office of the Registrar 30 days before you begin your independent experience. It is your responsibility to deliver to your sponsor the required Elective Evaluation form with the entire top section filled out by you.

International Elective Application

In addition to the electives offered at WCM and Hamad Medical Corporation in Qatar, you can select other International electives. International electives must be selected in consultation with the assistant dean for clinical curriculum and the associate dean for student affairs.

General Guidelines:

1. Complete the International Elective Application Form.

2. Obtain approval from the Assistant Dean for Clinical Learning and Assistant Dean for Medical Student Affairs, who must sign the form and then submit the form to the Office of the Registrar.

3. Contact the host institution, follow their application guidelines, and meet their requirements for their approval. Fill out your section in the international site’s application.

4. Submit the host institution application to the Office of the Registrar for further processing. Once you receive approvals to register for the elective, The Office of the Registrar will add the International Elective to your schedule on QLEARN.

5. Communicate with Student Affairs regarding any required insurance(s).

6. Make your travel arrangements (i.e. flights and any visa requirements for the host institution).

7. Make sure your international elective is in your schedule 30 days before the start of the experience.

To apply for an elective offered by VSLO, send a message to to initiate your account on their application site then follow the steps in the general guidelines listed above.

Remember that you will still need to fill out the International Elective form and receive approvals for International electives offered through VSLO.

Take an Elective Evaluation with you when you travel abroad. Present the form to your supervisor at the start of your experience and ask him or her to complete it and return it to you in a sealed envelope with his/her signature across the seal as soon as you complete the elective, so that you can bring it back with you when you return to WCM-Q.

Elective Evaluation

Electives completed at HMC will be evaluated by filling out an online assessment form on courseval and those completed at NYP or affiliates will be evaluated by filling out the evaluation on OASIS.

Important note about electives in Qatar: A minimum of three assessments (SPE or clinical evaluation forms) are required. Two of these MUST be completed by consultants. The third assessment form can be completed by a consultant, specialist, fellow, or resident. Course grades will only be released once these requirements are met.

For you to receive credit for any international elective, an original, completed, white elective evaluation form signed and dated by the evaluator must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar. We strongly recommend that you take the form with you. Present the form to your supervisor at the start of your elective experience and ask him/her to complete it and return it to you in a sealed envelope with his/her signature across the seal as soon as you complete the elective. Bring the form back and submit it to the Registrar. All elective evaluation forms must include the following information:

  • Your name
  • The course code (ABCD.1234.01.NYP, etc.)
  • The name of the elective
  • The beginning and end date of the experience
  • The location at which you did the elective.


Emergency Contact

The Emergency Contact Form must remain current. Please update your information on the “Online Form” in Qlearn in case of any changes.

The Office of the Registrar will only use the information you provide in the event of an emergency.

Enrollment & Registration

Please refer to the Student Handbook, under Registration Policy. It is the student’s responsibility to comply with registration policies and deadlines.

For cross-registration refer to the section 'Cross-University Registration'.

Leaving WCM-Q

If a student decides to withdraw from Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar (WCM-Q), with no intention of returning, or when a student is graduating from our program, then students must complete the Exit Process documenting that they have cleared all financial or personal obligations to Qatar Foundation and Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar. Otherwise, they will not receive their official transcript and the Office of Registrar will not support future education and career applications. We use DocuSign to document that a student is cleared from all different departments.

The Exit Process:

  • The student must contact the WCM-Q Registrar Team to notify them that he/she is withdrawing from the program. The registrar will create a DocuSign envelope and send it to the student.
  • The student will be the first recipient and the student must enter the required details.
  • Once the student completes the required information, this envelope will be released to the group of departments for their respective clearance/signature.
  • The department that receives the envelope for their signature, must check the student’s status:
    • In case of outstanding records for any student, the respective department must contact the student directly and get this record cleared before signing the document.
    • Once the records are cleared, the department will sign the document with the name of the person who is signing it.
  • Once all the signatures on the envelope are complete, all the departments will receive the completion email (separate email to download the completed document)

The student will be able to view all completed signatures on the DocuSign Envelope. The student should contact the pending signatory authorities to speed up the process.

Any outstanding financial obligations or failure to return WCM-Q property will result in a HOLD being placed on the student's academic record.

Medical School Credentialing

The office of the Registrar will issue official documents upon request. The turnaround time for all document requests is an average of 2-3 business days. Click here for more information.

Postponing Graduation

  • Students should discuss his/her graduation postponement with the student affairs counselor.
  • Student will fill out a request form that includes reasons, plan (personal LOA, research elective, or clinical electives), and outline of the proposed schedule.
  • The counselor will meet with the student and pre-approve the request form.
  • The student will submit the form to the Division of Foundation/Premedical or Medical Education and to the deans of Student Affairs to get their approval.
  • If approved and/or if applicable, the student will complete either the Course Withdrawal Form,  the  Add/Drop Clinical Courses form, and any other related forms to register for either an independent research elective and/or an international elective.
  • Also, if approved, the registrar will change the student's record, class, expected graduation year, and mailing list subscription, and process the add/drop form.

Verification of Medical Education

Requests from different Medical Boards for certification of medical education may be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by email to or mailed along with a signed release from the alumni or student. The turnaround time is 7-10 business days.  We do not provide verbal verifications. We do not credential over the phone.

WCM-Q Health & Immunization Form

  • Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar provides medical care to its students through its affiliated hospitals and health centers. All students must complete and submit the Health & Immunization form. The WCM-Q Health & Immunization form consists of:
  • Consent and Release of Medical Records form
  • Meningitis Information Response form
  • Covid Vaccination form
  • Personal Medical & Mental Health History form
  • Physical Examination form, signed & stamped by a licensed physician (performed within 12 months of entry)
  • Immunization History form, signed & stamped by a licensed physician
  • Copies of all laboratory results documenting titers (namely for measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, hepatitis B surface antibody)
  • Copies of the TB Screening result (Quantiferon Gold is the preferred TB Screening Test)
  • Copies of childhood immunization records and most recent immunizations should be attached to the Immunization History form as supporting documentation.

WCM-Q Health & Immunization Form