Prospective Students

Adopt A School Program


The Adopt a School Program was established to provide a selected number of schools in Qatar with the necessary support needed to help them equip prospective students with college requirements.

The program capitalizes on WCM-Q faculty's teaching experience in the fields of medicine, basic sciences, English and mathematics. Each volunteering faculty member establishes a relationship with a particular school to offer support in one or more of the following areas:

  • Extensive reading programs
  • Best practices in laboratory teaching
  • Curriculum support
  • English writing workshops for teachers and counselors
  • Basic science workshops for teachers and counselors
  • Weekend workshops for students
  • Awareness sessions and lectures about careers in medicine
  • Overall support to schools during their medical conferences, science olympiads and other related activities
Examples of Adopt A School activities:

Doha College Medical Review Conference
Reference Letters and Personal Statement Workshops
Adopt A School Workshops
International Year of Chemistry Symposium