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WCM-Q medical textbooks to Somali National University

Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar (WCM-Q) was honored to present a collection of books, including many medical textbooks, to Somali National University.

The books were officially received by His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Sheikh Ali, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Somalia, during his visit to WCM-Q.

The books, which were predominantly contributed by graduating WCM-Q students of the Class of 2024, plus a number from staff and faculty, will be transported to Somalia to benefit the education of students at the country’s leading university. The books were presented to His Excellency Dr. Ali by WCM-Q’s Dr. Dietrich Büsselberg, associate dean for admissions. In return, His Excellency Dr. Ali presented WCM-Q with a ceremonial gift inscribed with a message of recognition.

An official message from the Somali Embassy read: “On behalf of His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Sheikh Ali, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Somalia, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar for this generous and thoughtful contribution to the Somali National University.”