Welcome to the Media and News section, the gateway to reports and visual resources concerning Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar (WCM-Q).

In the Media Center, you will find the WCM-Q Annual Report, which details significant milestones and progress in key initiatives of the medical college,
APEX magazine, which is WCM-Q's official publication, and a library of digital images and virtual tours that together give an immediate feel for what it’s like to live and work in this unique medical college, the first medical school ever set up overseas by an American university. You may also watch WCM-Q films, read reports about the medical college and its activities, and access a record of media coverage since the foundation of WCM-Q in 2001.
We welcome inquiries from members of the media; we are ready to assist by providing materials, including high-resolution images, and by arranging interviews either at WCM-Q or by telephone/video conference with journalists outside Qatar. For further information or assistance, please contact:
Communications Division
Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar,
P.O. Box 24144
Doha, Qatar
Phone: +(974) 4492 8656
Fax. +(974) 44928444