Graduation ceremony honors WCM-Q Class of 2024
The graduates of WCM-Q's Class of 2024 take the Hippocratic Oath.
Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar (WCM-Q) has graduated 50 new doctors committed to providing world-class patient care and advancing the practice and understanding of medicine through cutting-edge research.
The graduation ceremony of the Class of 2024 saw the newly qualified physician-scientists presented with their Cornell MD degrees before an audience of family, friends, WCM-Q faculty, and faculty visiting from Weill Cornell Medicine in New York. The Class of 2024 is WCM-Q’s largest graduating cohort to date.
In attendance to witness the special occasion were H.E. Dr. Hamad bin Abdulaziz Al-Kuwari, Minister of State and President of Qatar National Library; Dr. Hareb Mohammed Said El Gaberi, Assistant Undersecretary for Higher Education Affairs, representing H.E. Buthaina Bint Ali Al Jabr Al Nuaimi, Minister of Education and Higher Education; H.E. Mr. Timmy Davis, the United States Ambassador to Qatar; and H.E. Mr. Khaled Badr Al-Mutairi, Ambassador of the State of Kuwait to Qatar.
The Class of 2024 comprises 26 women and 24 men, hailing from 13 different countries: Qatar, Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Egypt, India, Jordan, Kuwait, Pakistan, Sweden, Syria, Taiwan, and the US. WCM-Q has now produced 596 medical doctors serving patients and pursuing research in leading healthcare institutions in Qatar, the US and all over the world since the college’s inaugural graduation ceremony in 2008. Eighteen of this year’s new doctors are Qatari nationals. This year’s class valedictorian is Turki F. Almutairi.

Dr. Javaid Sheikh, dean of WCM-Q, warmly congratulated the new doctors, and implored them to seek support from the ‘WCM-Q family’ as they embark on their new careers: “Class of 2024, I want to leave you with a reminder that while you are now moving on to pastures new, you will remain a member of the WCM-Q family for good. Keep in touch, share your challenges and struggles, for in this family you will find you can give and receive humor, strength and support that will nourish your lives and careers in many ways, and which will help you all to be the best physicians you can be.”

Dr. Sheikh also used his speech to give thanks to Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, chairperson of Qatar Foundation, and Her Excellency Sheikha Hind bint Hamad Al Thani, vice chairperson and CEO of Qatar Foundation, along with the leadership of Qatar, for providing the essential support and guidance over many years that enables WCM-Q to produce world-class physicians.

Dr. Thurayya Arayssi, vice dean for academic and curricular affairs at WCM-Q, said: “Seeing this class of exceptional students taking the Hippocratic Oath and becoming fully qualified physicians is a truly special moment. They have shown huge resilience, great intellectual curiosity, and a steadfast commitment to learning the art and science of medicine to earn the right to be here today. We are immensely proud of them and wish them the very greatest success in all their future endeavors.”
Dr. Robert A. Harrington, dean of Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, was in attendance to confer the medical degrees upon the graduating students. He said: “I am delighted to be here in Qatar to celebrate the Class of 2024 receiving their medical degrees and beginning their professional journey as physicians.
“Their success in this endeavor mirrors that of this remarkable, groundbreaking institution, which for more than 20 years has been a pioneer of medical education, research and patient care in the Middle East. I am very gratified to have received such a warm welcome here, and to have the opportunity to offer my warmest congratulations to the Class of 2024 in person.”
The new doctors will shortly begin the next stage of their careers as they take up residency positions at elite-level healthcare institutions in Qatar and the US, including Hamad Medical Corporation, Sidra Medicine, NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, Yale New Haven Hospital, Cleveland Clinic, Case Western University Hospital, Virginia Commonwealth University Health System, the University of Michigan, and many others.
Graduating student Maryam Ali Al-Quradaghi gave the graduate English address at the ceremony. She said: “I am here today, not by mere coincidence, but by the efforts of a country that has given and continues to give and by the vision of Her Highness Sheikha Moza to bring world-class education to the Gulf region. Her vision was brought to light through the dedicated efforts of countless individuals, including our mentors, faculty, and staff in Qatar and New York and the physicians at Hamad Medical Corporation and Sidra Medicine.”

`The graduate Arabic address was given by Mai Nasser Al Subaie. She said: “Thanks to the efforts and support of our faculty and parents, we have to say as we stand before you, we are ready today to serve in the healthcare sector of this generous homeland, which is waiting for us today to return the favor. We extend our congratulations to our beloved homeland on our graduation today as doctors. We proudly say that we are the fruits of your giving in this new phase of development, growth, and harmony.”

This year, Dr. Sean Holroyd, associate dean for student affairs, was macebearer, and Dr. James Roach, associate dean for pre-medical education, was university marshal.
Graduating student Ammar Ahmed Khan gave the Qur’an recitation, while the alumnus keynote speech was given by Dr. Jehan Al-Rayahi of WCM-Q’s very first graduating class, the Class of 2008, now a highly experienced pediatric neuroradiologist at Sidra Medicine.

Dr. Al-Rayahi spoke of the joy and responsibility of providing life-changing and life-saving care: “Medicine is not just a job—it’s a calling,” she said. “Each day, we hold the lives and well-being of others in our hands, and that’s something we must never take lightly. Embrace it with compassion and never forget that with this great privilege comes great responsibility. Congratulations doctors. Go forth and make us proud.”