Application period extended for WCM-Q biomedical research training program
The Biomedical Research Training Program for Nationals offers Qatari college graduates a unique opportunity to gain hands-on laboratory and research administration experience.
The deadline for applying to the Biomedical Research Training Program for Nationals, an initiative of Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar (WCM-Q), has been extended to Thursday, 20 December 2018.
The initiative is a unique opportunity for Qatari college graduates with an interest in biomedical research to gain hands-on experience in the world-class laboratories at WCM-Q and in the different administrative and managerial responsibilities related to biomedical research.
The program was launched in 2011 and so far has helped 36 graduates take the first step on the path to a successful career in research. The program will restart in January 2019.
Although the program is aimed at recent graduates who are interested in pursuing a career as a bench or clinical researcher, or a research administrator, applications from nationals are welcomed irrespective of their discipline. The training program is a full-time, six-month employment commitment with trainees receiving a graduation certificate upon completion.
The trainees are paid a stipend as part of a comprehensive compensation package. The program is fully funded by WCM-Q and is organized in partnership with the Qatar Research Leadership Program at Qatar Foundation.
Interested applicants can contact the research training team for more information at
Applicants can also find more information and submit their applications online at