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Appointment and Promotion

Initial Appointment

Appointment of faculty at affiliated institutions is reserved for full-time and regular part-time staff active at an affiliated institution of the Weill Medical College of Cornell University (WCMC). Candidates must meet the criteria laid down in the WCMC Academic Staff Handbook. The appointments of faculty at affiliated institutions carry no financial compensation. The benefits include having an affiliation with one of the most respected and reputable medical colleges in the world as well as being part of the education of the next generation of doctors. Faculty at affiliated institutions are provided with a WCM-Q email address and full access to the resources of the WCM-Q Health Sciences Library.


Thank you for submitting your promotion application for this cycle, ending March 15, 2023. 


To know more about the criteria for faculty appointment and promotion, please refer to the Academic Staff Handbook and Guidebook.

If you are interested in applying for an academic appointment or have any questions, please email us at facultyaffairs@qatar-med.cornell.edu