Palliative Care

Course Name Course Number
Palliative Care MEDC.8078
Department Location
Medical Education HMC
Max Students Prerequisites
4 N/A
Course Objectives:
  1. become familiar with pain management and other symptom palliation techniques
  2. become more comfortable with prescribing opioids for the treatment of pain and dyspnea
  3. increase comfort with communicating with seriously ill patients and their family members about goals of care, DNR orders, hospice, breaking bad news and discussing controversial issues
  4. increase knowledge of the effects of psychological and spiritual matters on illness and become more comfortable discussing these issues with patients and families
  5. increase knowledge and comfort with cultural differences and the effects on illness and death
  6. become comfortable working as part of an interdisciplinary team
Final evaluations will be based on attendance, depth of participation, and a 30 minute presentation on a topic of choice to the division of geriatrics at the end of the rotation