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Major, S., Krage, R. & Lazarovici, M. SimUniversity at a distance: a descriptive account of a team-
based remote simulation competition for health professions students.
Adv Simul 7, 6 (2022)
7, 6 (2022)
Major S, Sawan L, Vognsen J, et al COVID-19 pandemic prompts the development of a Web-OSCE using Zoom teleconferencing to resume medical students’ clinical skills training at Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning 2020;6:376-377.
Ghory H., Kuo J., Sawan L., Scott S. Assessing First-Responder and BLS Skills: The Case of Mona Shadid. MedEdPORTAL; 2013.
Tied First Place as a recipient of the CME/CPD Grant entitled Simulation Educator Course: Designing and Debriefing Effective Simulations. Dr. Stella Major (WCM-Q), Professor Michelle Brown ( University of Alabama at Birmingham) and Mr. Joshua Vognsen (WCM-Q)
click to view poster
Medical Education Research Fund Grant, December 2019 - December 2020. Exploring the use of virtual reality in undergraduate medical student training on empathy.
Oral Presentations:
Vognsen, J.
(2021, July 14-16)
Creating Computer-Based Simulations: Where to Begin
. Oral Presenation at the 2021 SimOps Annual Meeting by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, Tample, Florida, USA, Virtual.
Major, S
Leighton, K.,
Vognsen, J
Sawan, L
. (2021, April 14 - 16)
Recognizing Organizational Cultural Readiness for Simulation-Based Education: The Qatar Community Experience.
Oral Presentation at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Society In Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (SESAM).
(click to view presentation)
Major, S.,
Vognsen, J., Sawan, L
. (2019, May 19 - 22)
Learners and Educators Perspectives in Simulation-based Educational needs in Qatar.
Oral Presentation at the 8
International Clinical Skills Conference, Prato, Tuscany.
Vognsen, J
Major, S., Sawan, L.
(2018, June 27-29)
Building a Community of Engaged Simulationists in Qatar.
Oral Presentation at the 24
Annual Meeting of the Society In Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine, Bilbao, Spain.
Hoffart, J.,
Major, S
., Davies, J. (2014, February 25)
Qatar Simulation Consortium
. 1st UAE Clinical Simulation Conference, Dubai, UAE.
Al-Sheikhly, D.,
Sawan L., Major S.
, Verjee M., Arayssi, T., and Stadler, DJ (2014, August 30 - September 3)
OSCE curriculum design and implementation: a faculty development program
. AMEE Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy.
Al-Sheikhly D., Hassan I.,
Sawan L.
, Mobayed H., Elidrisi, M., Al Mohanadi D., Al-Mohamed A., Arayssi T. and Stadler DJ. (2013, August 24 - 28)
Developing an OSCE curriculum to assess communication skills of residents.
AMEE Annual Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic.
Elcin, M.,
Major, S.
, Manjavidze, I., Fouad, M. (2021, April 14 - 16)
Standardised Patient SiG Workshop: Human Simulation and Safety Amidst Pandemic, and in the Near Future.
26th Annual Meeting of the Society In Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (SESAM), Virtual.
Sole, K.,
Sawan, L.
(2013, January12 - 15)
Anatomy of an OSCE
. Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) Faculty Development Seminar. Maui, Hawaii, USA.
Poster Presentations:
Al-Sheikhly D., Arayssi T.,
Major S.
Sawan L.
and Stadler DJ. (2016, August 27 - 31)
Outcomes of the Implementation of a Certificate Program in the Development of an OSCE with Standardized Patients.
AMEE Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain.
Mahmoud, M., Stadler, DJ, Al-Sheikhly, D.
Sawan, L.
, and Arayssi, T. (2016, March 19 - 23)
Assessing residents’ skills and attitudes towards the clinical breast exam.
Ottawa Conference, Perth, Australia.
Al-Sheikhly D.
Sawan L.
Major S.
, Verjee M., Arayssi T. and Stadler DJ. (2014, August 30 - September 3)
OSCE curriculum design and implementation: a faculty development program
. AMEE Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy.
Oral Presentations:
WCM-Q Medical Education Journal Club
Major, S.
, Bholah, R., Laws, S. (2021, April 26)
Simulation-Based Education & Covid-19: Simulated Telemedicine Patient Encounters Reinforce Medical Students' Skills in Addressing Health Literacy Gaps.
WCM-Q Medical Education Journal Club Series, Virtual.
Major, S.
(2020, December 14)
Creation to Adaptation During C-19 Pandemic. Lessons Learnt in Supporting Clinical Skills Education Remotely using the Web-OSCE.
WCM-Q COVID 19 Healthcare Education Series, Virtual.
Al Jerdi, S., Sulaiman, A., Rametekkar, U.,
Major, S.
, Eubanks, J., Elshazly, M. (2020, July 25)
Telemedicine and Medical Education.
Organized by the Qatar Medical Student's Association and Ember Medical, Webinar.
(click to view presentation)
Major, S.,
Vognsen, J.
(2019, October 5)
Learners and Educators Perspectives in Simulation-Based Education (SBE) in Qatar.
Centre for Teaching and Learning 6th Annual Symposium. Doha, Qatar.
Stadler DJ, Al-Sheikhly D,
Hassan I,
Sawan L
, Raza T, Mobayed H, Eledrisi M, Mahmoud, Arayysi T
(2015, January 18)
An OSCE Curriculum for Assessment of Resident Communication Skills
. Innovations in Global Medical & Health Education Forum. Doha, Qatar
Masaba, A., Al-Moslih, A., Tarhini, B., Reichert, B., Rainkie, D., Al-Momani, E., Alinier, G., Lababidi, H.,
Vognsen, J
., Leighton, K., Al Jufaili, M., Elcin, M., Kolbe, M., Jabre, M., Comeau, P., Sharara-Chami, R.,
Major, S.
, Abi Raad, V. (2020, September 26)
Developing Strategies to Contribute to Psychological Safety.
4th Annual Optimizing Health Professions Education with Simulation-Based Learning. Doha, Qatar.
Major, S., Vognsen, J., Sawan, L., Bernardo, C.
(2019, October 5)
Advocacy-Inquiry: A Tool for Simulation Educators
. Centre for Teaching and Learning 6th Annual Symposium. Doha, Qatar.
Bernardo, C.
Vognsen, J.
, Comeau, P., Omar, H. (2018, September 29)
What's in a Role?: Training Human Role-Players for Health Professions Education
. Optimizing Health Professions Education with Simulation-Based Learning. Doha, Qatar.
Krage, R.,
Major, S.
(2018, September 29)
Putting Theory into Practice: Debriefing 101
. Optimizing Health Professions Education with Simulation-Based Learning. Doha, Qatar.
Sole, K.,
Sawan, L.
, Dudenhausen, J., Ahmed, B. (2012, January 20 - 22)
Using Hybrid OSCEs to Promote Culturally Competent Women’s Health Care in Qatar.
Improving Quality of Care through Medical Education. Doha, Qatar.
Poster Presentations:
Major, S.
, Brisseau, G.,
Vognsen, J.
, and
Sawan, L
. (2019, April 13)
Caught 'tween appendix and fallopian, why not just dilate the designer anus?
Medical Education Research Forum, Doha, Qatar.
(click to view poster)
Al-Sheikhly D
Sawan L
Major S
, Verjee M, Arayssi T, Stadler D. (2015, January 18)
OSCE curriculum design and implementation: a faculty development program.
Innovations in Global Medical & Health Education Forum. Doha, Qatar.
Mahmoud M, Stadler D
Al-Sheikhly D
Sawan L
, Arayssi T. (2015, January 18)
Residents’ Knowledge, Skills and Attitude of the Clinical Breast Exam.
Innovations in Global Medical & Health Education Forum. Doha, Qatar.