
Krystyna Golkowska, PhD

Krystyna Golkowska
Professor of English
English as a Second Language Director
English Writing Program Coordinator

 +974 4492 8223 


Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, 1976


Dr. Krystyna Golkowska teaches the first-year writing seminar and serves as the English writing program coordinator and ESL director in the Pre-medical Program at Weill Cornell Medicine - Qatar (WCM-Q). Dr. Golkowska also coordinates the Writing and Communication for Research Scientists course.

Before joining WCM-Q, Dr. Golkowska taught undergraduate and graduate courses in English literature, writing, ESL/EFL and applied linguistics. At Cornell University she worked for many years in the Department of Modern Languages, Intensive English Program (IEP), and the Center for Teaching and Learning. She also offered summer courses through Cornell University School of Continuing Education and taught academic writing courses at Ithaca College.

Dr. Golkowska's research interests focus on English literature, composition, sociolinguistics, language acquisition, and medical humanities.

Selected Publications

  • Weber AS, Jones D, Golkowska KU, Sharkey R, Larson AH, editors. Qira’at: readings from the students of Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar. Doha, Qatar: Weill Cornell Medicine; 2019. 250 p. (Qira’at; vol. 6).
  • Golkowska KU. Developing symbolic competence on a North American branch campus In Qatar. In: Rajakumar M, editor. Western higher education in global contexts. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books; 2018. p. 97-111. 
  • Weber AS, Sharkey R, Golkowska K, Larson AH, editors. Qira’at: readings from the students of Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar. Doha: Dar al Sharq; 2017. 223 p. (Qira’at; vol. 5). 
  • Golkowska KU. Qatari women navigating gendered space. Social sciences [Internet]. 2017 Oct 16 [cited 2018 Jun 7];6(4):123 [10 p.]. Available from: https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci6040123
  • Golkowska KU. Qatari women's participation in sports and physical activity. IOSR journal of humanities and social science [Internet]. 2017 Oct [cited 2018 Jun 26];22(10):91-5. Available from: https://doi.org/10.9790/0837-2210069195 
  • Golkowska KU. Negotiating academic identity on a North-American branch campus. Arab world English journal [Internet]. 2017 Jan [cited 2017 May 23];7(4):3-12. Available from: https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2898612
  • Golkowska K. Transnational education and student identity (re)negotiation. In: Proceedings of the 2016 International Business Conference/2016 International Education Conference; 2016 Jan 3-7; Orlando, FL. Clute Institute; 2016. p. 752 [5 p.].
  • Weber AS, Golkowska K, Miller IP, Sharkey RX, Larson A, editors. Qira’at: readings from the students of the Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar, 2002-2015. Doha, Qatar: Dar al Sharq; 2015. 157 p. (Qira’at; vol. 4). 
  • Golkowska K. Identity renegotiation in Charlote Brontë's Villette. In: Jasiakiewicz W, Lipski J, editors. John Bull and the Continent. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH; 2015. p. 125-38. 
  • Weber AS, Golkowska K, Miller IP, Sharkey RX, Rishel MA, Watts AE. The First-Year Writing Seminar Program at Weill Cornell Medical College -- Qatar: balancing tradition, culture, and innovation in transnational writing instruction. In: Martins DS, editor. Transnational writing program instruction.  Boulder, CO: Utah State University Press; 2015. p. 72-92. 
  • Golkowska K. Autoethnographic assignments and transnational education. International journal of arts & sciences [Internet]. 2015 Dec [cited 2016 May 18];8(6):369-74. Available from: http://www.universitypublications.net/ijas/0806/pdf/H5V809.pdf
  • Golkowska K. Teaching writing across borders. In: Paradowski MB, editor. Teaching languages off the beaten track. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH; 2014. p. 231-42. (Inquiries in language learning; vol. 10). 
  • Golkowska K. Empathy and othering in Joseph Conrad’s Amy Foster. Arab world English journal [Internet]. 2014 Oct [cited 2015 Jun 5]; 2:60-8. Available from: http://www.awej.org/images/AllIssues/Specialissues/Literature2/5.pdf
  • Golkowska K. Arab women in the Gulf and the narrative of change: the case of Qatar. International studies. Interdisciplinary political and cultural journal [Internet]. 2014 Sep 25 [cited 2015 Jun 8];16(1):51-64. Available from: https://doi.org/10.2478/ipcj-2014-0004