SEP 11 - SEP 12, 2019
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry (Interim)Director of the Proteomics CoreWeill Cornell Medicine-QatarDoha, Qatar
Professor of ProteomicsSenior Fellow, UCD Conway InstitutePresident BSPRPresident HUPOSchool of Medicine, University College DublinDublin, Ireland
Professor of Physiology and BiophysicsSenior Associate Dean for Research, Innovations, and CommercializationWeill Cornell Medicine-QatarDoha, Qatar
Professor for Chemical and Systems Biology,Swiss Federal Institute of TechnologyHead of the D-HEST BioMedical Proteomics Platform (BMPP)Zürich, Switzerland
Associate Professor of MicrobiologyFaculty of PharmacyComplutense University of MadridMardid, Spain
Senior Scientist (Group Leader)Department of Molecular Systems BiologyHelmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)Leipzig, Germany
Professor of Healthcare Policy and ResearchInfectious Disease Epidemiology GroupWeill Cornell Medical College – QatarDoha, Qatar
Professor of Physiology and BiophysicsDirector of the Bioinformatics CoreWeill Cornell Medicine-QatarDoha, Qatar
Assistant Professor of Research in Physiology & BiophysicsWeill Cornell Medicine-QatarDoha, Qatar
Fabian WendtPhD Student, Wollscheid GroupInstitute of Molecular Systems BiologyZürich, Switzerland
Senior ScientistSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ)Department of Health Sciences and Technology (D-HEST)Institute of Molecular Systems Biology (IMSB)Zurich, Switzerland
Instrumentation SpecialistProteomics CoreWeill Cornell Medicine - QatarDoha, Qatar
Technical Sales ManagerEmerging Markets EMEAChromatography and Mass SpectrometryThermo Fisher Scientific wissenschaftliche Gerät GmbHWien, Austria