Sandra Goetze, PhD
Sandra Goetze is a Senior Scientist in the laboratory of Chemical and Systems Biology at the Institute of Molecualr Systems Biology (IMSB) and the Department of Health Sciences and Technology (D-HEST) ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Sandra received her PhD in Biotechnology from the Technical University Braunschweig and the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany. After a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, where she focused on 3D high-resolution microscopy investigating chromatin structure and epigenetic regulation, she moved to the University of Zurich in Switzerland in order to join the Center for Model Organism Proteomics supported by a Marie-Heim-Voegtlin fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). Since 2018, she is also the chief operation officer (COO) of the Clinical Proteotype Analysis Center (CPAC) within the Personalized Health Related Technology (PHRT) strategic initiative at ETH. In her dual role as manager and scientist she is spearheading the multi-omic digitization of clinical biospecimen in order to support clinical decision-making in molecular tumor boards. As a member of the International Cancer Proteogenomic Consortium (ICPC) and the Cancer Moonshot initiative Sandra is helping to shape inter-operable data acquisition and analysis strategies which enable the quantiative, sensitive and repetitive digitization of large patient cohort on the protein level with a focus on the proteogenomic data integration. Apart from CPAC, Sandra is heading research projects in the laboratory of Prof. Bernd Wollscheid and is specifically interested in the structure-function relationship of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL, and the informational value of blood protein signatures in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer (InnoSuisse/ ProteoMediX).