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October 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21, 2025

Certificate in Lifestyle Medicine

Venue: Hilton Doha Hotel, Qatar


This course is intended for physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, allied health professionals, educators and researchers from Qatar and the region. Registrations will be on a first come, first served basis and priority will be given to healthcare professionals residing in Qatar and then in the region. In extenuating circumstances, the Institute for Population Health (IPH) may consider other applications to this course. The course is limited to 50 participants. Additional registrations will be on a waitlist

Registration Warning
Registration for courses managed by Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar can only be completed through WCM-Q's official registration portal. Attendee registrations made through any other sites cannot be honored. WCM-Q is not able to refund fees paid through unaffiliated registration sites, such as,,, and Please report any unauthorized websites or solicitations for registrations to