March 7, 2023, 16:15 - 16:45
Recent advances in technologies have enabled us to study the proteins circulating in human blood at a yet unprecedented depth and precision. We are now in an era in which it will be possible to further unlock the potential of plasma proteomics and investigate its constituents at scale. However, a key to making use of the insights gained to improve human health is to understand the dynamic architecture of the proteome circulating in heterogeneous phenotypes. The presentation will touch upon lessons learned from large-scale and longitudinal explorations of circulating proteomes to characterize states of human health and disease. Over the last decade, we continuously developed validation schemes for affinity proteomics efforts and included various data types to create knowledge from the analysis of clinical samples. More recently, we started to explore the potential of dried blood spots collected in the population. A remaining challenge is to decompose the combinatorial dynamic and variability induced by pre-analytical, genetic, lifestyle, and clinical parameters and learn how these affect the dynamic architecture of the circulating proteomes. Besides using proteomics data in larger multi-omics efforts, longitudinal analyses of person-specific proteomes, and deep profiling of self-sampling blood, the presentation will discuss opportunities offered by data-driven analysis strategies.