Jan 11 - Jan 13, 2020

Congenital Dystrophies - Neuromuscular Disorders Precision Medicine: Genomics to Care and Cure

Qatar National Convention Center, Doha, Qatar

Rita Horvath, MD, PhD

Rita Horvath

Director of Research (Clinical) - Genetics of Rare Neurological Disorders
Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Cambridge
John Van Geest Cambridge Centre for Brain Repair
Cambridge, UK

Rita Horvath is a clinical academic who was trained as a neurologist in Budapest, Hungary. She started laboratory research in Professor Eric Shoubridge`s laboratory at the Montreal Neurological Institute and completed her PhD on mitochondrial disease. She has been working in mitochondrial diagnostic and research in Munich from 1999 to 2007, when she was appointed as Lecturer in the Mitochondrial Research Group at Newcastle University. She has established her own research group on mitochondrial translation deficiencies and obtained substantial funding from the MRC and ERC. Rita has been promoted to Professor of Neurogenetics in 2013. As a clinician, she developed a new service in Newcastle for patients with inherited peripheral neuropathies (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, CMT), which is a base for her expanding research activities. In September 2018 Rita has taken on a new post as Director of Research at the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Cambridge. The main focus of her research is to identify the molecular basis of diseases with the aim of developing treatments for patients with rare inherited neurological conditions, such as mitochondrial disease and CMT.