Jan 11 - Jan 13, 2020

Congenital Dystrophies - Neuromuscular Disorders Precision Medicine: Genomics to Care and Cure

Qatar National Convention Center, Doha, Qatar

Final Schedule

January 12, 2020, 08:30 - 09:05
Presented by

pinal Muscular Atrophies are neurodegenerative disorders that are common in our region. In fact, they are the  second most common autosomal recessive disorder. The Incidence is 1 per 10000.

•Genetically: Defect in the Survival Motor Neuron (SMN) gene in chromosome 5q (1995).

•2 types of SMN. SMN1 and 2.

•95% of SMA patients have abnormality in SMN1.

•SMN2 is “protective”.

•The search for a cure had been a long journey.

•Promising therapeutic options have become available.

•Despite this progress, management of children/adults with SMA, faces some big challenges.

•The success of the management pathway relies heavily on “multidisciplinary” input and the experience of the providers of care.