Hamda Qotba, B.Med.Sc; MD; ABCM; MFPH; FFPH
Dr. Hamda Abdulla Qotba is recognized as the first Qatari woman to study public health. She has been awarded both membership and fellowship of the Faculty of Public Health, the United Kingdom’s leading professional body for public health specialists and practitioners. Prior to her appointment to her current role, Dr. Qotba served for several years as an overseas advisor to the Faculty of Public Health and the Royal College of Physicians, both in the UK, becoming the first female candidate from the Eastern Mediterranean region to be assigned those positions. In that role, Hamda’s main responsibility was assisting medical departments that were struggling to meet high standards of customer service and employee development through the development and revision of policies, guidelines and laws.
Dr. Qotba was previously a project manager with WHS, in which capacity she helped to develop Qatar’s national health system, and she has worked with several international agencies, including the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Dr. Qotba has also held the position of assistant director for emergency preparedness and response at the Ministry of Public Health and was medical advisor to the assistant general secretary for health affairs at the Supreme Council of Health. She has also served as a board member for the Arabization Center for Medical Science, a trainer and supervisor for the Arab Board Community Medicine Program, and a community medicine senior consultant with the Primary Health Care Corporation.