Alice Abdel Aleem, MBBCH, MD
Dr. Alice Abdel Aleem is an academic researcher and a certified clinical geneticist licensed under the QCHP. Her educational and research activities as well as her clinical experiences are in the field of Human Genetics/Neurogenetics. She has received her Master (1991) and doctorate degrees (1997) in Human Genetics. Ain-Shams University and Medical School Hannover jointly awarded her Doctorate degree. She has been working in Neurogenetic research and clinical diagnostics in Cairo, at the National Research Center (NRC) from 1985-2011. She has established there her own research group on inherited neurodegenerative diseases and postnatal stem cells. She has received extensive postdoc training in distinguished human genetics institutes in Germany [human genetics institutes of Medical School Hannover, MHH and of Marburg University-Medical school] and in USA [Centre of Neuroscience University of California San Diego & Center of Regenerative Bioscience, Georgia University-Athens, Atlanta]. She has been promoted to professor of human genetics in 2007, appointed as the director of Medical Molecular Genetics Department in 2008, and vice- director of Human Genetics and Genome Research Division in 2010, at the NRC, Cairo, Egypt.
In August 2010, Alice has joined the research division at Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar (WCM-Q), taking the role of principal investigator of the Neurogenetic laboratory. She is affiliated to the Neurology Department-WCM-NY and the Brain and Mind Research Institute-NY. Alice provides her clinical service at the Clinical Genetics and Metabolic Department, Hamad Medical City in Qatar. She has been awarded several grants and obtained significant funding from Qatar Foundation, National Priority and Precision Medicine programs. The focus of her research is to identify the clinical spectrum, genetic distribution, and genomic findings in rare neurogenetic diseases of brain growth, hereditary spastic paraplegias syndromes, and inherited myopathies and dystrophies. She has active memberships in several international and national human genetics and NMDs societies. She has coordinated and organized the first regional training workshop on “Human Stem Cell: Principles and Applications” for which she has received funding from COMSATS and UNESCO. She also had co-chaired the organizing committee for the neural tube defects symposium in Qatar. Her plan is to bring the new evolving therapeutics and gene therapy to patients with inherited muscle diseases in Qatar.