APRIL 9 - APRIL 10, 2022

Medical Humanities in the Middle East Online

Nahla Khalaf Ali

Nahla Khalaf Ali



Communication skills with the unsighted and visually impaired during medical interview Mosul  - Iraq 

Dr. Nahla Khalaf Ali

Um Al-Rabean Development Foundation for Blinds  & purblinds in Mosul City-Iraq 

Dr. Abdulsalam S. Sultan

Alkindy Medical College

Muna Hameed Faris

Right Collage, Mosul University

Muna Muneer Ahmed

College of Medicine, University of Mosul

Mohammed Modar Hameed

Um Al-Rabean  Development Foundation for Blinds & purblinds in Mosul City-Iraq

Dr. Marab younis Abdullah Al-Fathy

Nineveh Health Directorate / Iraq


Background: The unsighted person suffers from communication problems that affect his\her health care process.
Aim:To define the communication skills of doctors towards the unsighted patient during medical interview.
Materials and Methods: This study was done  in Um Al-Rabean Development Foundation for Blinds and Purblinds in Mosul City-Iraq. Using case series study design for a period from  1st January to 1st February 2022. Sixty seven blind persons were included. Data were collected by using electronic data collection Google form  consisting  from two axes, the 1st one including the demographic information of the study sample & the 2nd one including  doctor communication skills followed during medical interview with the unsighted patients.
Results: This study revealed that the participants (unsighted person)  response rate was equal among  both sexes. Most of them aged 18years and more & about one third were married. The doctor communication skills followed during medical interview with the participants were weak; more than half of them not introducing their names, lowering  their voice& giving enough time to present their problem, adding to that  74.6%  didn’t shake hands with such persons, (before the Corona pandemic). 20% of doctors didn’t show help during sitting, only a  one third  used to ask permission before giving help , 25.4% of doctors treat them as a normal persons. Roughly one fifth of them calls the participants by his\her name more than once.
Conclusion: Training of doctors in communication skills technique concerning this group is seriously needed. Broader research work on a larger sample to study this topic from the point of view of doctors and intended persons.
Keywords: communication skills, blind people, medical interview




NAME: Nahla Khalaf Ali.
DATE OF BIRTH : 23/November/1961.
MERITAL STATUS: married (six children.).
e.mail: dr.nahlaali.cm@gmail.com, dr.nahlaali2019@gmail.com

1. C.M&DIP: university of Mosul –Iraq ,June 1999.
2. certified by: Ministry of health, National Training Center, PCDR program (patient centered doctor interview) & Medic Ethics, Iraq.2017-2019.
3. certified by: Kurdistan Region –Iraq Council of Ministry of Health, participating - training of trainer in communication skills for health & medical staff, course as trainer .8-12/11/2020.

Experiences & Aptitudes
1. Participation in community heath programs ( The national program of executing & control poliomyelitis, Tuberculosis, Cholera, Malaria, breast cancer, protecting & improving the environment,  Continuous Medical Education  program & educational, training activities).
2.Facilitator  & Supervisor of courses of patient centered doctor relationship  &  Medical Ethics Programs for training specialized doctors (all specialty branches)..
3.Participating & fulfillment of  training Electronically (Electronic Trainer ) .
  B.Professional & Scientific Committees (15)


Professional Organization & NGOs (4)

Research & Studies (9) 
Published Researches (10)

Researches Represented in Conference (9)

Publication& Editorship 

1. Books & booklets: (14)
2. Papers: (2)
3. Educational leaflet: (11)
4. Mass media education: (4)
5. Audio visual media: (3)