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Lifestyle Medicine: An Emerging Healthcare Trend That Inspires


Call for Abstracts

Globally, there is an ongoing epidemic of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), examples of which include hypertension, cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes, to name a few. The good news is that a vast majority of these diseases can be prevented, treated and often reversed with lifestyle measures.

Deadline for abstract submission: 11:59 pm, November 17, 2018


  • All abstract submissions must be made using the symposium website. 
  • Incomplete abstracts will not be considered. 
  • Authors will be notified of the decision (acceptance) by first week of December, 2018.
  • Selected abstracts: Presenting author/s must register for the symposium. 

All questions/clarifications pertaining to the poster/workshop abstract submission should be directed to

Lifestyle Medicine is an evidence-based approach to preventing, treating, and even reversing diseases by replacing unhealthy behaviors with positive ones — such as eating healthfully, being physically active, managing stress, avoiding risky substance abuse, getting adequate sleep, and having a strong support system (American College of Lifestyle Medicine).

We welcome submission of abstracts for poster presentations and/or pre-symposium workshops addressing any of the following themes, which are the pillars of Lifestyle Medicine:

  • Healthy nutrition 
  • Increase exercise/physical activity 
  • Cessation of tobacco and other risky substance abuse
  • Stress management
  • Adequate sleep
  • Maintain healthy relationships/social connectedness



Submission guidelines for poster and workshop abstracts

  • Adhere to the overall theme of the symposium: Lifestyle Medicine and its pillars (listed above). 
  • Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
  • Please use the templates for poster & workshop abstract submission.
  • Accepted abstracts will be published on the symposium website and in the symposium brochure.
  • Abstract length should not exceed 450 words (excluding references).
  • Only one table or graphic is permitted per abstract. It must contribute to the better understanding of the abstract.
  • Abbreviations used within the abstract must be spelled out at first mention.