October 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21, 2025

Certificate in Lifestyle Medicine

Venue: Hilton Doha Hotel, Qatar

Shahrad Taheri, BSc, MSc, MBBS, PhD, FRCP

Shahrad Taheri

Professor of Medicine
Hamad Medical Corporation
Doha, Qatar

Dr. Taheri is Professor of Medicine, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar. He graduated in Medicine from the Medical College of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London University and obtained his PhD in neuroendocrinology from Imperial College London. He has trained in clinical medicine and research in London and Bristol in the UK and at Stanford, California. At Stanford, Dr. Taheri was a Howard Hughes research associate.

Dr. Taheri has extensive experience of leading the multi-professional care of patients with obesity and diabetes within the UK National Health Service and in Qatar. He has also led large multidisciplinary research teams aiming to develop, implement, and evaluate clinical services for patients with diabetes and obesity.

Dr. Taheri has been a member of the Clinical Care Committee at World Obesity. He is Chair for Research at the National Diabetes Strategy, Ministry of Health, Qatar, and Chair for Research at the Qatar Metabolic Institute at Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC). Dr. Taheri is Assistant Chair of Medicine at HMC and has led the multi-professional specialist medical weight management service at HMC. He has supported the development of the National Obesity Treatment Centre at HMC and contributed to national and local guidelines on obesity in the UK and Qatar.

Dr. Taheri’s research experience ranges from basic laboratory work to human intervention studies, and also includes population studies. His research includes one of the first studies to report a relationship between sleep, obesity, and metabolic hormones. Since this research, Dr Taheri has expanded his work on the impact of sleep on health and performance across the age span.

Dr Taheri’s research interests are increasingly focused on the development, conduct, and implementation of a range of clinical trials into diabetes and obesity and linking these trials to investigation of disease mechanisms through laboratory studies. He has won multiple awards for his research over the years. Dr. Taheri has published extensively in high-ranked journals and serves on the editorial board of several major journals including International Journal of Obesity and PLoS One. He also frequently reviews grants for several major funding bodies.