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Bridging The Gap Medical Interpreters Training

Dates for the 2025 offering will be published shortly


Medical interpreters training “Bridging the Gap” aims to train bilingual/multilingual professionals to overcome language and cultural barriers in healthcare services. “Bridging the Gap” training will promote and build capacity of medical interpreters in Qatar, which will support effective communication in healthcare services. Weill Cornell Medicine - Qatar is licensed by Cross Cultural Health Care Program, a leading non-profit organization in Seattle, USA, to provide Bridging the Gap training in Qatar.

Identified Practice Gaps/Educational Needs

It is evident from literature reviews that language barriers are one of the main factors for healthcare disparities among culturally and linguistically diverse populations. Patients who do not speak the mainstream language of the healthcare system are “at higher risk of experiencing adverse events” than those who are fluent in the language. Effective and clear communication between healthcare providers and patients is a key factor for quality healthcare delivery and favorable outcomes. Specific attention to the healthcare providers’ competencies in communication within culturally and linguistically diverse populations is highly recommended. Qatar’s population is considered an “extremely high-density multicultural setting”. Language barriers are common among healthcare professionals and the patients’ population. Working with medical interpreters, or working as a medical interpreter in Qatar’s healthcare setting is not a common practice.

Healthcare professionals need to enhance their knowledge; skills and awareness in relation to working in a setting were language barriers are likely to occur. An interpreter training program for bilingual/multilingual healthcare professionals and staff is expected to enhance the quality of healthcare communication in linguistically and culturally diversified communities, and to reduce the cost of interpretation services.

The training aims to promote culturally and linguistically appropriate healthcare services, increase awareness of practices in intercultural communication, train bilingual professionals in medical interpretation, and address the language barrier as one of the main barriers to effective communication in healthcare.


At the end of this training participants will be able to:

  • Identify the role of medical interpreters in healthcare. 
  • Describe the different modes of interpretations and the situations of using each mode. 
  • Explain the medical interpreters' code of ethics. 
  • Summarize the different communication styles and their impact on the healthcare settings. 
  • Differentiate between professional and unprofessional medical interpretation. 
  • Identify the main parts of human body systems, physiology, functions, conditions and procedures associated with healthcare settings. 
  • Recognize basic regulations about patients’ health information relevant to medical interpreters, e.g. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
  • Discuss the impact of language barriers on quality healthcare and patients’ safety.

Target Audience

physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, allied health professionals, researchers, educators, and administrators. 

This class is limited to 24 participants.

Registration will be confirmed after the applicant passes the pre-assessment and submits the course fee.

Institute for Population Health