SEPTEMBER 29, 2018

Optimizing Health Professions Education with Simulation-Based Learning


Walid Othman AbouGalala, MBBS, EMDM, MSc, JMC(EM) ,MAcadME

Walid Othman AbouGalala

Consultant Emergency Preparedness Department and Coordinator of the National Health Committee for Disaster Management Supreme Council of Health Qatar
Consultant Emergency Medicine Hamad Medical Corporation

Dr. AbouGalala is a consultant Emergency and Disaster Medicine at Hamad Medical Corporation since 1998. Currently he is the Executive Director for Major Incident Planning at Hamad Medical Corporation and Consultant in Emergency Preparedness and Response department at Ministry of Public Health, state of Qatar.

He is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine and he is holding Master Degree in Disaster Medicine, and a Master in Medical Education. He was leading the development of the National Health Emergency Management framework in the state of Qatar. He also serves as Medical Director, Emergency Medical Service Program, College of North Atlantic and Qatar and Chair of the Advisory Committee, Emergency Health Science, College of North Atlantic Qatar.

Member of the Board of Directors, representing EMRO region in the World Association of Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM), Member of Academy of Medical Educator, UK. Founder and Member of the scientific Committee of the Arab Diploma in Disaster Management for Health Professional. 

Dr. AbouGalala is an International Educator, Instructor and Course Directors and developer of Training courses and modules in Trauma, Adult and Pediatric Resuscitation, and Disaster Management affiliated with many international organization such American College of Surgeon, European Resuscitation Councils and Advance Life Support Groups (UK) and ICRC (Geneva).

Recently he was selected as Member of the Global Development Committee, International Trauma Life Support, USA. He is a supervisor of Master Degree Researches for European Master in Disaster Medicine students.