Prof. Guillaume Alinier
Guillaume is Director of Research at Hamad Medical CorporaRon Ambulance Service (HMCAS), Professor of SimulaRon in HealthcareEducaRon at the University of HerWordshire (UK), and VisiRng Fellow at Northumbria University (UK). He has been involved inhealthcare educaRon and research for nearly 2 decades, with a parRcular interest in teamwork and human factors training in relaRonto paRent safety using various simulaRon modaliRes. He is the HMCAS ExecuRve Sponsor for projects undertaken by colleagues aspart of the Clinical Care Improvement Training Programme. He used to manage the University of HerWordshire’s mulRprofessionalclinical simulaRon centre before relocaRng to Qatar, but retains his University affiliaRon for research supervision and consultancypurposes. He recently co-authored the “Pocket book for SimulaRon debriefing in Healthcare” which is highly relevant for clinicaleducators and clinicians interested in becering themselves and helping others to provide safe paRent care by engaging in reflecRvediscussions and criRcal thinking.