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Healthcare Communications in the Middle East


November 21, 2020, 15:30 - 16:30
Presented by

Health communication is an established field of knowledge, with a main body of evidence on its value to improve and promote health. The aim of this talk is threefold. First, this talk presents the main streams of scientific findings on the role of health communication in healthcare. Second, it shows how this evidence can be translated in trainings to enhance communication skills of health professionals, as well as interventions to improve the health literacy of patients. Third, it explains the main challenges of implementing research findings into policy, alongside illustrating some examples of how the adoption of good practices of health communication can improve the quality of health services.

Sara Rubinelli, PhD, President of EACH, is Assistant Professor in Health Communication at the University of Luzern (CH), Coordinator of the Human Functioning Unit and Leader of the Person-Centered Healthcare Group at Swiss Paraplegic Research (CH). She holds a degree in Classics and Philosophy from the Catholic University of Milan (I) and a PhD from the University of Leeds (UK) in the areas of logic, argumentation theory and rhetoric. From 2003 to 2009 she was the Scientific Coordinator of the Institute of Communication and Health of the University of Lugano (CH).