Course Postponed - Certificate in Population Health and Well-being

Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar

Nisha Agrawal

Nisha Agrawal

Yoga Instructor

Conferred with the ‘Master of Yoga’ title from the International Yoga Federation, Nisha is a yoga expert and therapist with over 15 years of teaching experience at Aspire Active to the diverse community of Qatar. Her approach is unpretentious, friendly, and reflects yoga principles in her lifestyle. She synthesizes yoga practices with mindful awareness to help her students experience the connection of mind, body, and breath, which leaves them feeling peaceful, grounded, and nourished.

Nisha is passionate about promoting yoga and mindfulness to various organizations, corporates and individuals. As the head of yoga and fitness at the Indian Sports Centre, under the aegis of the Embassy of India, she has been organizing the International Day of Yoga celebrations. She was the driving force behind creating a Guinness World Record for the record title "Most nationalities in a yoga lesson", where participants from 114 nationalities came together on a single platform to redefine history.

As a business lead, she has executed the responsibility of bringing up a customized IT application for the membership management at Aspire Active; and as a consultant, she was instrumental in setting up the wellness unit at Heenat Salma Farm, a key project of Caravane Earth Foundation.