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Bridging The Gap Medical Interpreters Training
Dates for the 2025 offering will be published shortly
Bridging The Gap Medical Interpreters Training is a five day activity
Introduction, Course Outline and Pre Test
Recognize the scope of medical interpreter profession and responsibility
Identify gaps in knowledge, stength and areas to improve
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Roles of Medical Interpreters
Identify the primary purpose of an interpreter
Indicate four barriers to communication when language discordance occurs in healthcare settings
Explain the main roles of medical interpreters
Differentiate between medical interpreting and other types of interpreting
Describe the incremental intervention of medical interpreters in the healthcare setting
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Codes of Ethics for Interpreters in Health Care
Identify seven common values found in the three main codes of ethics for interpreters in healthcare
Apply the code of ethics when making decisions about complicated real-life situations
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Prayer and Lunch
HIPAA Orientation session
Recognize basic medical interpreters' relevant regulations, such as Health Insurance Potability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Identify medical interpreters' role in protecting patients’ information
Identify some resources of information about confidentiality
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Modes of Interpreting
Explain the four modes of interpreting
Select an appropriate role of the medical interpreter in different situations in healthcare settings
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Prayer and Break
Conduit Role
List the specific four guidelines of the conduit role
Identify the purpose of using first-person speech when interpreting in healthcare settings
Differentiate between literal and accurate interpretation
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Introduction to Medical Terminology
Identify the origin of medical terminology
Identify common roots, prefixes, and suffixes in medical terminology
Recognize various strategies to learn medical terminology
Recognize some tools and resources to learn medical terminology
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Quiz & Review
Distinguish the main roles of medical interpreters, modes of interpreting, and the MI code of ethics.
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Basic Medical Terminology for Medical Interpreters
Identify the main parts of the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems
Recognize the main functions of the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems
Identify the main health problems of the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems
Identify the main procedures of the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems
Recognize the specialists who take care for the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Clarifying Role
Identify circumstances that require intervention
List some guidelines to follow when intervening
Assess the accuracy of the communicated messages between the two main parties who do not speak the same language
Explain strategies to clarify words/phrases that have no linguistic equivalence in one of the interpreted languages
Appraise phrases with symbolic meaning, and use strategies to check understanding
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Prayer and Lunch
Clarifying Role (continued)
Recognize and adjust the terminology register during interpreting in healthcare
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Managing the Flow of the Interpreted Session
Identify the main points to be included in the pre-session with healthcare providers and patients
Demonstrate a pre-session with healthcare providers and patients
Identify three types of positioning interpreters, and describe the advantages and disadvantages of each position
Recognize six strategies to facilitate the flow of an interpreted encounter
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Memory Development
Identify techniques to improve short-term memory
Practice memory development
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Prayer and Break
Memory Development (continued)
Identify techniques to improve short-term memory
Practice memory development
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Sight Translation
Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate requests for sight translation
Demonstrate sight translation of some patients’ education documents
Explain how to respond to inappropriate sight translation requests
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Quiz & Review
Recognize some of the medical terminology
Identify some of the critical situations in healthcare settings and language barriers
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Basic Medical Terminology for Medical Interpreters
Identify the main parts of the musculoskeletal, nervous, and respiratory systems
Recognize the main functions of the musculoskeletal, nervous, and respiratory systems
List the main health problems of the musculoskeletal, nervous, and respiratory systems
Identify the main procedures of the musculoskeletal, nervous, and respiratory system
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Introduction to Culture
Define culture in general terms
Discuss the impact of culture on the medical interpretation process
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Prayer and Lunch
Medical Terminology Quiz
Indentify medical terms register (high/low)
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Cultural Bumps
Define cultural bumps
Identify some cultural bumps
Examine cross-cultural situations using the concept of the cultural relativity process
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Prayer and Break
The Culture of Biomedicine
Explain the effect of biomedical culture on healthcare providers’ decisions
Discuss the cross-cultural issues between Western biomedical culture and patients’ different cultures
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
The Cultural Broker Role
Differentiate between the content-based cultural barriers and the process-based cultural barriers
List the steps of the culture broker role
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Quiz & Review
Assess their knowledge and skills development in the above-discussed topics
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Basic Medical Terminology for Medical Interpreters
Identify the main parts of the skin, urinary tract, female reproductive and male reproductive systems
Recognize the main functions of the skin, urinary tract, female reproductive and male reproductive systems
Identify the main health problems of the skin, urinary tract, female reproductive and male reproductive systems
Identify the main procedures of the skin, urinary tract, female reproductive and male reproductive systems
Recognize the specialist who care for the skin, urinary tract, female reproductive and male reproductive systems
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Revision Activities
Discuss the profession of medical interpreters and their role and code of ethics
Identify the knowledge and skills required for medical interpreters
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Prayer and Lunch
The US Healthcare System & Qatar Healthcare System
Identify some of the factors that shape the US healthcare system
Identify some of the factors that shape the Qatar healthcare system
List different types of providers, facilities, and settings that interpreters may encounter
Recognize some of the USA laws that affect language access in healthcare
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
The Role of the Advocate
Discuss the arguments about the medical interpreters' advocate role
Identify some situations when advocacy is not appropriate
Explain the process of effective advocacy through specific guidelines
Assess the need for advocacy in some situations to decide whether to advocate or not
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
The Role of the Advocate
Discuss the arguments about the medical interpreters' advocate role
Identify some situations when advocacy is not appropriate
Explain the process of effective advocacy through specific guidelines
Assess the need for advocacy in some situations to decide whether to advocate or not
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Prayer and Break
Medical Terminology Revision
Identify the main anatomical parts of the human body, main health problems, medical procedures and medical specialists
Differentiate between medical procedures and medical conditions
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Effective Advocacy
Identify communication styles
List some of the rudiments of effective communication skills
Explain some guidelines for effective advocacy
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Quiz & Review
Assess knowledge and skills development in the above-discussed topics.
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Medical Terminology (Revision)
List some of the anatomical human body systems
Recognize the physiological functions of some of the human body organs
Identify some of the common diseases of the human body
Identify common procedures in a healthcare setting
Identify some specialties in healthcare professionals
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Professional Conduct and Self-Care
Differentiate between professional and nonprofessional conduct, as well as conduct that may be considered professional in some situations but not in others
Identify strategies for self-care during and outside of interpreting sessions
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Telephone and Video Remote Interpreting
Identify different types of interpreting in healthcare, e.g. telephonic, video remote
List the benefits and challenges of the remote interpreting
Differentiate between effective and ineffective remote interpreting
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Resources for Professional Growth
Recognize areas for professional growth
Identify a variety of resources for professional development
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Prayer and Lunch
Cultures Day & Participants Presentations
Identify cultural diversity
Demonstrate their culture using different tools, e.g. powerpoint presentations and videos
Recognize similarities and differences between cultures
Demonstrate teamwork and presentation skills
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Prayer and Break
Parking Lot Topics and Conclusion
Discuss some common challenges in medical interpretation
Identify some sensitive situations when applying the Medical Interpreters Code of Ethics
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim
Final Test
Demonstrate understanding of the professional conduct and general practice of
medical interpretation
Dr. Maha Elnashar
Ms. Huda Abdelrahim