Peter Fortunato.
21st Century Shamanism: A performance by Peter Fortunato, author, artist, educator and practitioner of alternative healing modalities
Peter Fortunato
Cornell University
21st Century Shamanism: A performance by Peter Fortunato, author, artist, educator and
practitioner of alternative healing modalities.” In this one hour presentation, Mr.
Fortunato will use soft rhythmic drumming to engage the audience in “psycho-motor
entrainment.” He will guide participants who are willing to enter a light trance to
experience something of what is termed by contemporary Westerners as the “shamanic
state of consciousness.” Drawing upon the traditions of Indigenous shamans the world
over, as well as upon his more than 30 years of private practice as a hypnotherapist and
healer, Mr. Fortunato will invite participants to sample the value of altered states of
consciousness for relaxation, self-discovery, inspiration, and healing. He will also read
from his literary works, including poems and excerpts from his recent memoir, Desert
Wind: My Life in Qatar, which recounts some of his experiences while teaching medical
humanities and narrative medicine in the Writing Program of the Premedical Studies
Department at WCM-Q. For many years, Mr. Fortunato has been recognized both within
academia and his community for his knowledge of literature, comparative mythology,
cultural anthropology, psychology, the arts, and spirituality, and for his practical
application of what he has learned. He describes his literary output as offering plain
spoken, artistic truths. A question and answer session will follow the performance.
Peter Fortunato, BA, MFA, CHT, is an author, artist, educator, and practitioner of
complementary alternative medicine living in Ithaca, New York. Until his retirement from
academia, for many years he taught writing and literature primarily at Cornell University
and Ithaca College, as well as at Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar. He has published
several full length poetry collections, very recently World Headquarters, as well as a
novel, Carnevale, which alludes to his education as a visual artist, and a memoir, Desert
Wind: My Life in Qatar, which is an account of his experiences while living and teaching
in Doha for four years. He is the winner of several literary awards, including the Emily
Dickinson Prize of the Poetry Society of America, a Pablo Neruda Prize from the
Oklahoma Arts Council, and an award from the WB Yeats Society of New York. Peter
Fortunato is also a hypnotherapist in private practice, and he has been a practitioner of
Zen and Tibetan Buddhism for most of his life.