Dana Al Disi
Weaving with a Pink Ribbon: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Cancer Representation and Research Funding in Qatar
Dana Al Disi
Carnegie Mellon University Qatar
In order for scientists to conduct cancer research, they must first acquire funding from organizations that fund the research that they deem significant, an approach that leads to the selective funding of some cancers over others. The practice of selective funding has caused some cancer types to be funded reliably while others are consistently underfunded, thus creating a disparity of funding that limits the medical advancement of underfunded cancers. To tackle the problem of selective funding and the resulting funding disparity, researchers should understand both how and why organizations fund certain cancer research. While the social effect of different cancers – eg. cancers with high prevalence or lethality – is an intuitive answer, researchers have found that the social impact fails to correlate with funding levels. Conversely, positive social effect—eg. advocacy—has historically played a significant role in influencing how organizations allocate funding by influencing how society perceives cancer. Despite the potential for advocacy groups to influence research funding (e.g. advocacy campaigns), cancer representation remains understudied in how it influences organizations to fund cancer research. By comparing the representation of breast and ovarian cancer with their research funding in Qatar, my research demonstrates that Qatar selectively funds research based on the government’s fixed research priorities and cultural framework, serving as a potential example for how other researchers could approach cancer representation and its influence on the selective funding/funding disparity problem.
Dana Al Disi is a senior majoring in biological sciences in Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar. She is currently working on molecular biology research where she studies genetic factors of pancreatic cell functions and how they may relate to diabetes, but has also studied how scientific research impacts people and society. Focusing on the human element of her biology background, Dana is invested in the interdisciplinary relationship between science and society, and the interactions between scientific research and the humans it aims to help.