Saturday, February 17, 2024 

Lifestyle Medicine - Redefining Healthcare to Promote Wellbeing

Symposium | Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar | In-person | Online

Mohamed Bin Hamad Al Thani, MD, MBA

Mohamed Bin Hamad Al Thani

Director of Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention Programs Department
Ministry of Public Health, Qatar
Associate Professor of Clinical Population Health Sciences (Courtesy)
Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar and Qatar University

Dedication, expertise, and commitment—these are the hallmarks that define Sheikh Dr. Mohamed Bin Hamad Al Thani. As the Director of the Department of NCDs Preventive Programs at the Ministry of Public Health, his visionary leadership has shaped Qatar's preventive health landscape, leaving an indelible mark on the nation's well-being.

An Associate Professor of Clinical Population Health Sciences at Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar and Qatar University, Dr. Al Thani's journey is a testament to the pursuit of excellence. His academic prowess was honed at Cairo University, where he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in 1998. A steadfast thirst for knowledge led him to complete a fellowship in the Arab Board Program in Community Medicine in 2006, followed by a prestigious Fellowship from the Faculty of Public Health in London in 2010.

Elevating his prowess beyond medicine, Dr. Al Thani obtained a Master's in Business Administration in 2014 from HEC Paris, a testament to his multifaceted approach to healthcare leadership.

Over the past decade, Dr. Al Thani has spearheaded clinical research studies, advocating for ethical and safe practices. His pursuit of an integrated approach to health prevention and promotion has resulted in the publication of over 60 articles in esteemed journals, including The Lancet Global Health, BMJ, and BMC Public Health, among others.

His visionary impact reverberates beyond academia. Dr. Al Thani played a pivotal role in the formulation of Qatar's Public Health Strategy 2017-2022 and contributed significantly to the National Health Strategy 2018-2022. He has demonstrated exceptional leadership by heading national committees that facilitate Qatar's transformation from curative healthcare to a robust preventive health governance system.

Sheikh Dr. Mohamed Bin Hamad Al Thani's legacy is one of empowerment and innovation. His tireless efforts have not only elevated the realm of preventive health but have also provided of well-being for the nation. With each endeavor, he exemplifies that leadership and excellence are not mere aspirations but a way of life, inspiring others to tread the path of visionary impact.