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MAY 28-29, 2022

Corneal Confocal Microscopy: a Surrogate Endpoint for Neurodegeneration in Clinical Trials


May 29, 2022, 15:30 - 16:00
Presented by

This conference came about from discussions among several including one very skeptical person (DRC) about the value of CCM. As he was reading the literature, he kept seeing articles on CCM and disease X, then disease Y, then disease Z, etc. Each article gave the same message. We measured CCM in a cohort of subjects with disease X, and it was a better biological marker of the disease and the change in disease over time than any other existing marker. He could not believe this could be true in the diverse range of diseases reported. This talk will summarize the major disease areas where CCM may act as a viable surrogate marker for neurodegeneration and convince DRC the folly of his ways.
